It is not a story about animals and a boat! (2)

Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the LORD said, "I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them." But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. Genesis 6:5-8

I will conclude my considerations on Christ in the Great Flood by mentioning five parallels between the account of the flood and salvation in Jesus Christ:

  1. Just as all people were hopelessly sinful in Noah’s day, so are all people ever since, including every one of us.  We all deserve nothing but God’s judgment and wrath. That’s the bad news. Here’s the good news…

  2. Just as “Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD,” so Christians find grace in God’s sight.  We are not saved because we are any better than anyone else.  Many who become Christians were actually worse!  Salvation is God’s grace poured out on the undeserving. And as mentioned last time, we do not find grace in God’s sight as the result of us seeking Him or His grace. Rather, by God’s grace, He finds us.

  3. Just as “Noah walked with Godafter he found grace, those who find grace in Christ are changedNo change?  No new affections? There is no grace.

  4. Just as God herded Noah’s family and the animals into the Ark, God places the people Christ saves: in Christ, and in the Church.  In Christ and in His Church is the place of safety.  There are still plenty of storms outside, but there is safety inside.

  5. Just as God brought them all out of the Ark, God will deliver His redeemed people safely into Heaven.

Have you found grace in God’s sight?  Are you aware of your sin before God, who alone is holy? Do you believe that, as the Ark was the only way to be saved from the flood, Jesus is the only way to salvation from the inevitable flood of God’s final judgment and His just wrath? Does any of this matter to you? Have you therefore placed your trust in, and are you committed to following Him?

Trusting in and following Christ doesn’t capture God’s grace. Rather, trusting in and following Christ is evidence that you have found grace in God’s sight!

My goal in these studies is to demonstrate that Christ and the gospel are in every book of the Bible, beginning with in the opening chapters of Genesis. The Bible is one book, one story, and it is all about Christ! I pray you can see that! 

Lord, may Your people find grace in Your sight!