Understanding baptism 

CHAPTER 29: Of Baptism

(Part One)

Baptism is one of the two ordinances given to, and commanded by, Jesus for His Church.  Baptism is rich in meaning and in symbolism:

We baptize only believers because we believe that the physical symbol corresponds to the spiritual reality of being born again.

We baptize by immersion because one of the meanings of the Greek word baptizo is to dip or immerse.  Therefore, baptism symbolizes the believer’s life being totally immersed into Christ.

We baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19)

While we do not believe it is a sin to be baptized more than once, baptism is generally considered to be a one-time initiatory event in the life of a believer.

Some additional thoughts, next time... 

(Part Two)

Some additional thoughts on the meaning and symbolism of Baptism...

Baptism is a symbol of believers identifying with Jesus.  He was baptized, we are to be baptized.  We baptize by immersion in part because it symbolically identifies us with His death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:3-6).  (Although the baptism mentioned in Romans 6 is not water baptism, the point is the same.)

Baptism is a symbol of cleansing (1 Peter 3:21).  While water does not wash away anyone’s sins, it is a symbol of the believer’s having been washed in the blood of Christ.

Baptism is also a powerful testimony to believers and non-believers alike.  It is therefore a public declaration that “I am following Jesus.”

Because Baptism is commanded by Christ (Matthew 28:18-19), believers who know about baptism but who do not submit to the command are in disobedience in a primary matter.

Are you a believer?  Have you been baptized?  Do you need to be baptized?

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